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What has been done globally about the Difficulties the Oldest Child in a Low-Income Family Faces? 

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Global efforts have been made to address the challenges faced by children in low-income families, including the oldest child. Initiatives focus on optimizing child development and preventing developmental difficulties. These interventions aim to improve cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes in children, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Strategies include early childhood education, parenting education, and healthcare linked to educational initiatives. Additionally, efforts emphasize the importance of promoting maternal and child health, especially during pregnancy and early childhood, to enhance developmental outcomes. The Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities advocates for children with disabilities to reach their full potential, highlighting the need for inclusive support systems. Overall, these global endeavors aim to provide comprehensive support to children in low-income families, including the oldest child, to ensure optimal development and well-being.

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Global efforts focus on promoting early childhood development in low-income countries through interventions like parenting education, healthcare-education linkage, and programs supporting children with disabilities, aiming to mitigate challenges faced by children.
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