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What has inflationary cosmology brought to the big bang theory? 

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Inflationary cosmology has significantly impacted the Big Bang theory by offering solutions to key issues. It addresses problems related to the standard model's explanatory power rather than its empirical adequacy . Inflationary models provide explanations for the origin of density perturbations crucial for galaxy formation . They predict a scale-invariant power spectrum of density perturbations, as observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation, which challenges traditional cosmological models . Additionally, inflationary expansion can test quantum theory predictions at early times, potentially revealing nonstandard field fluctuations and generating anomalous power spectra for the cosmic microwave background . Inflationary cosmology's ability to offer new insights and solutions while connecting cosmology with particle physics makes it a promising research avenue for understanding the early universe.

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Open accessJournal Article
Jian-Hua He, Bing Wang 
01 Jan 2014-Universe
Inflationary cosmology addresses major issues in the Big Bang theory, explaining the origin of large-scale structure, horizon, and flatness problems by proposing rapid early expansion driven by quantum fluctuations.
Inflationary cosmology connects dark energy and dark matter, enhancing cold dark matter abundance. It introduces a viable inflationary model with the inflaton and quintessence field as the same scalar degree of freedom.
Inflationary cosmology has brought the prediction of a scale-invariant power spectrum of density perturbations to the Big Bang theory, enhancing its explanatory power regarding the early universe.
Journal ArticleDOI
John Earman, Jesús Mosterín 
79 Citations
Inflationary cosmology aimed to address issues in the standard big bang model but introduced complexity and divergence from the original model, while offering insights into early universe density perturbations.
Inflationary cosmology has provided a means to test quantum nonequilibrium near the big bang through cosmic microwave background measurements, potentially revealing violations of quantum theory in the early Universe.

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