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What if the mechanism of action of Scutigeral ? 

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The mechanism of action of Scutigeral involves various aspects based on the provided contexts. Scutigeral is designed to replace conventional mechanisms in different devices, such as pressure excitation type detonation devices and reverse circulation valves, to improve precision and reduce errors in exerted shear stress . Additionally, Scutigeral utilizes an electromagnetic device and a permanent magnet to prevent contact between components, reducing noise, abrasion, and enhancing explosion-proof safety, stability, and longevity . Understanding the mechanism by which chemical solutions initiate vein-wall disruption is crucial for sclerotherapy efficacy and complication prevention . Moreover, an improved linkage mechanism in furniture ensures that the backrest does not contact the wall during reclining movements, with a design that responds to weight changes for position adjustments .

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Papers (5)Insight
30 Nov 1988
19 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Feng Hongbao, Yu Yipeng, Duan Hui 
05 Dec 2012
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessJournal Article
34 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
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