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What is Apoptosis? 

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Apoptosis is a programmed and controlled form of cell death that plays a role in the regulation of animal cell populations and is involved in cell turnover in healthy adult tissues. It is characterized by morphological and biochemical changes in the cell, including nuclear and cytoplasmic condensation and fragmentation. These apoptotic bodies are either shed from surfaces or taken up by other cells and degraded by lysosomal enzymes. Apoptosis is implicated in various physiological processes such as morphogenesis, homeostasis, and differentiation, and is also responsible for tissue loss and cell eradication in diseases like neoplasias and cancers. It is a constitutive suicide program expressed in most cells and can be triggered by various signals. Dysregulation of apoptosis can contribute to human diseases, and understanding its signaling pathways may lead to therapeutic interventions.

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Open accessJournal Article
Sudarshan Khokhar, Rohan Chawla 
7 Citations
Apoptosis is a programmed and controlled form of cell death that plays a role in various physiological and pathological events.
Apoptosis is a highly regulated process of cell deletion that plays a fundamental role in maintaining tissue homeostasis in the body.
Glenda C. Gobe, Brian V. Harmon 
19 Apr 2001
21 Citations
Apoptosis is a distinct mode of cell death that uses the cell's own energy and genetic control for death to occur.
Apoptosis is a form of cell death characterized by specific morphological and biochemical features.
Apoptosis is a mechanism of controlled cell deletion that plays a role in regulating animal cell populations.

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What is apoptosis role in cancer?5 answersApoptosis, a crucial process in maintaining cellular homeostasis, plays a significant role in cancer development. Dysregulation of apoptotic pathways, particularly involving key regulators like caspases and Bcl-2 family proteins, leads to inadequate apoptosis in cancer cells, promoting their survival and proliferation. Defective apoptosis allows cancer cells to evade cell death, accumulate oncogenic mutations, and gain a proliferative advantage, contributing to tumor progression and metastasis. Targeting these master regulators in apoptotic pathways has been a focal point in cancer research, offering potential strategies for cancer therapy by exploiting apoptotic signaling networks to induce tumor-specific cell death. Understanding the intricate balance of apoptosis in cancer pathogenesis provides insights into developing novel therapeutic approaches for combating malignancies.
What is apoptosis?5 answersApoptosis is a physiological process of programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms. It is responsible for tissue remodeling, normal cell turnover, and the removal of unwanted or damaged cells. Apoptosis is characterized by specific morphological, biochemical, and molecular changes, including condensation of chromatin and cytoplasm, fragmentation of the cell into apoptotic bodies, and maintenance of membrane integrity. It can be initiated by internal or external stimuli, and involves the activation of certain proteins (caspases) and the control of survival proteins (bcl-2 family). Disordered apoptosis is associated with various diseases, such as neoplasms, chronic inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, and other conditions. Imbalance in apoptosis can lead to critical situations and is a contributing factor in neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic damage, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. Apoptosis occurs in many physiological and pathological processes, and plays a role in tissue involution, embryonic development, and tumor malignancy.
What is death?5 answersDeath is the inevitable concluding event of life. It is defined biologically as the irreversible loss of the functioning of the organism as a whole, typically after the loss of cardiorespiratory function. Advances in medical technology have led to a shift in the definition of death, with a focus on brain activity. Some argue that death should be defined in terms of whole-brain death, while others believe it should be defined in terms of neo-cortical death. The concept of death has been examined using the Walker and Avant framework for concept analysis, particularly in the context of the intensive care unit where a conflict often exists between the curing culture and the inevitability of death. Throughout history, death has been contemplated and discussed, with philosophers emphasizing the importance of learning to live and die. The understanding of death has legal implications in our complex and sophisticated society.
What is Caspases?5 answersCaspases are a family of cysteine aspartyl proteases that play a crucial role in apoptosis, the process of programmed cell death. They cleave many cellular proteins to facilitate the orderly dismantling of cells undergoing apoptosis. Caspases are also involved in other cellular processes such as inflammation, proliferation, and differentiation. They have evolved into two distinct subfamilies, initiators and effectors, with different oligomeric states. The regulation of apoptosis is influenced by the activation mechanism of these subfamilies. Caspases have been extensively studied in the context of apoptosis, with numerous apoptotic proteolytic substrates identified and characterized. However, their role in non-apoptotic processes is not well understood, and few non-apoptotic substrates have been identified. Recent research has focused on developing selective inhibitors and probes for specific caspase isoforms, such as caspase-6, to better understand their functions in various diseases.
What is the role of apoptosis in human development?5 answersApoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays a crucial role in human development. It is necessary during embryonic development and aging to control cell population and eliminate damaged cells. Apoptosis is also important for normal neurodevelopment, and alterations in apoptotic cell death can lead to functional deficits in the nervous system. Additionally, apoptosis is involved in hematopoiesis, the process of generating blood cells, and is necessary to maintain a balance between cell death and cell survival. The BCL-2 family of proteins regulates the apoptosis pathway and controls the decision between cellular life and death. Understanding the role of apoptosis in human development can provide insights into disease progression and potential therapeutic interventions.
What is meant by cell death?5 answersCell death is a fundamental biological process that involves the organized destruction of cells. It was traditionally seen as the natural end point of life, but it is now recognized as a crucial mechanism for maintaining health and homeostasis in organisms. Cell death can occur through various mechanisms, including apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis, NETosis, and cornification. These processes play important roles in restoring and maintaining skin homeostasis, supporting recovery from injury and infection, regulating barrier function and immunity, and provoking inflammatory responses. Excessive or poorly regulated cell death can contribute to inflammatory skin diseases, and drugs that inhibit cell death are being developed as potential therapeutics.

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