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What is ASCII file? 

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An ASCII file is a type of file format that utilizes ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters for encoding data. ASCII art, a form of ASCII file, represents images using character shapes and is commonly used on internet bulletin boards. ASCII-based encryption/decryption applications can be applied to various file types, such as images, data files, audio files, and more, by translating ASCII values of characters into binary mode. Additionally, an ASCII file format has been proposed for exchanging large systems of nonlinear ordinary differential matrix equations, supporting dense and sparse matrices with the inclusion of nonlinear functions and couplings. Furthermore, ASCII text-cover centric data hiding schemes are being researched to enhance information security through steganography, addressing issues like copyright infringement and e-theft.

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ASCII file refers to a file encrypted by translating ASCII values of characters using an irregularly generated integer key, maintaining the file size and requiring minimal time for encryption/decryption.
An ASCII file is a text file format proposed for exchanging large systems of nonlinear ordinary differential matrix equations, supporting dense and sparse matrices with nonlinear functions and couplings.
An ASCII file is a type of text document used as a CarrierCover for secure data hiding through indiscernible communication, as discussed in the research paper.
An ASCII file is a method discussed in the paper for fast transmission of speech data files using ASCII characters encoding over standard telecommunication cables for online sharing.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
M. Kimura, Mohammad Iqbal, Imam Mukhlash 
24 Feb 2023
ASCII art is a method of representing images using character shapes. The paper discusses using machine learning to convert partial images into ASCII art using multibyte encodings.

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