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What is basic definition of cinditional value? 

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The concept of conditional value refers to the value of something being dependent on certain conditions or circumstances. Intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and conditional value are interconnected aspects of assessing the worth of entities or states of affairs. Intrinsic value pertains to the inherent value of something, while extrinsic value is derived from external factors. Conditional value, on the other hand, signifies the value of an entity based on specific conditions or relationships. It is essential to distinguish between these types of values to understand the nuanced evaluation of worth in various contexts . The analysis of corporate value in financial management also highlights how factors like investment decisions, funding choices, and dividend policies can influence the conditional value of a company, demonstrating the dynamic nature of value assessment in different domains .

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Nakaie Toshiyuki, Joji Kayano 
06 Jul 2012
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
The basic definition of the conditional value is presented as the cogent value function, a new mathematical concept distinct from the traditional absolute value function.
Conditional value is not directly addressed in the paper.

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