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What is communication defined as in humans? 

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Communication in humans is a multifaceted phenomenon that encompasses the transmission of messages, concepts, feelings, or needs between a sender and a receiver through verbal or nonverbal language. It is fundamentally an interactive process, where behaviors are designed to elicit reactions, highlighting the importance of both action and reaction in the communicative exchange . This process is not only about the transfer of information but also involves the intricate dynamics of human needs, desires, knowledge, opinions, and perceptions, playing a critical role in social relations and organizational objectives . Human communication is further characterized by its goal-oriented and intentional nature, where communicative acts are purposefully engaged in to achieve specific outcomes in social contexts. This implies that communication is always a result of intentional actions with a meaning intended by the sender, based on the implicit knowledge of causal relationships between chosen ends and the means employed . Moreover, it operates on multiple dimensions, integrating biological and socio-cultural determinants through various channels, including verbal, linguistic, and nonverbal modes, thereby facilitating a rich and diverse spectrum of human interaction . The development and complexity of human communication are attributed to the evolutionary significance of language, which has enabled humans to surpass other species in terms of social coordination and cultural development. This evolutionary perspective underscores the unique capacity of humans to use language not just as a social tool but as a preprogrammed faculty of the brain, essential for the expression of complex ideas and emotions . Additionally, the study of human communication reveals its multidimensional nature, emphasizing the need to consider cultural variations and the integrated nature of communicative processes to fully understand its role in individual and societal development . In essence, human communication is a dynamic, intentional, and multidimensional process that is central to social interaction, cultural expression, and organizational success, reflecting a complex interplay of biological predispositions and socio-cultural influences .

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Communication in humans is the transmission of messages, concepts, feelings, or needs through verbal or non-verbal language. It also includes unintentional behaviors with inherent value, as per the pragmatic approach.
Communication in humans is viewed as the coordination of activity, encompassing intentional and incidental forms, with language emerging from anticipating responses, starting before infants' first birthdays.
Communication in humans is described as a vital social phenomenon facilitated by language evolution, enabling interaction and societal development, as highlighted in the paper on quorum sensing.
Communication in humans involves understanding each other's perspectives through shared mindsets or viewpoints. It encompasses channels, modes, and skills to facilitate effective message transmission and comprehension.
Gisela Håkansson, Jennie Westander 
27 Jun 2013
14 Citations
Communication in humans involves unique verbal and nonverbal aspects, contributing to the rich diversity of communicative behaviors observed across different species, as discussed in the textbook.

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What is Communication?5 answersCommunication is the process of transmitting messages between a sender and a receiver through verbal or nonverbal language. It involves the exchange of concepts, feelings, or needs, and can be intentional or unintentional. Communication is a fundamental human activity that has been practiced since the existence of humans. It plays a crucial role in organizations, as it allows them to transmit information, settle problems, and meet customer needs. Effective communication requires the ability to convey information clearly and accurately, using various channels and forms of communication. It is a dynamic process that involves encoding and decoding messages, and can be influenced by factors such as motivation, culture, and organizational performance. Overall, communication is a complex and multifaceted process that facilitates understanding and interaction between individuals and organizations.
How important is human communication?5 answersHuman communication is of utmost importance in our digital era. It is a crucial tool for analyzing crime, understanding societal development, expressing thoughts, and networking. Communication has been studied since the beginning of humankind, and its inclusion in educational programs highlights its significance. Communication is not limited to verbal and nonverbal symbols; it also involves complex gestures, sign language, and drawing. Even non-human animals have their own forms of communication, albeit less complex. Abnormalities in the communication process can have a profound impact on personal and overall quality of life. The study of human communication should consider its multidimensionality and integrated nature, as well as cultural variations and development. By understanding the relationship between technology and human communication, we can better comprehend how technology facilitates, reifies, and transforms communication processes. Human communication is deeply intertwined with technology, as it involves the co-creation of meaning and the use of symbolic processes.
What is the definition of communication?5 answersCommunication is the process of transmitting messages from a sender to a receiver using verbal or nonverbal language. It involves conveying information, concepts, feelings, or needs. Communication can be intentional or unintentional, and it can have value even when not intentional. It is a dynamic concept that involves communicative action and can be seen as a form of behavior. Communication is essential for transmitting information and sharing it with others, and it involves the transmission of meaning between a source and one or more receivers. It can be done through various channels, including spoken or written language, as well as nonverbal cues such as body posture and facial expressions. Communication is a complex process that requires encoding and decoding messages, and it plays a crucial role in organizations' interactions with their customers.
What is definition of human communication?5 answersHuman communication can be defined as a system of communication that involves the exchange of messages between a sender and a recipient. It is a goal-oriented and intentional act, where individuals choose to communicate in order to achieve specific goals in social contexts. Communication is based on shared experiences and the interpretation of messages and symbols by the recipient. Language is a key component of communication, evolving throughout history and playing a central role in social communication. The means of communication have evolved with technology, with digital platforms now facilitating communication but also posing challenges to traditional face-to-face interaction. Communication is a complex and varied phenomenon, encompassing different forms and contexts.

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