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What is discrepancy signal? 

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A discrepancy signal refers to a signal indicating a mismatch between the predicted outcome and the actual outcome, prompting further training or action. It can also represent the excess of presented risk over perceived risk, influencing decision-making and behavior. Discrepancy signals play a crucial role in various fields, such as robotics, probability measures comparison, navigation systems, and risk-taking behavior analysis. In robotics, the detection of a discrepancy between predicted and actual sensory outcomes triggers additional training to recognize novel objects or improve performance. Similarly, in risk-taking behavior studies, the discrepancy between perceived and presented risks influences individuals' intentions and decisions, particularly in behaviors with high probabilities of cost. Overall, understanding and responding to discrepancy signals are essential for learning, decision-making, and risk assessment in different contexts.

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Discrepancy signal refers to the difference between the perceived cost of a risk behavior to the individual and the presented cost to others, influencing risk-taking decisions as a signaling mechanism.
Andre Lutz, Patrick Wipplinger 
04 Mar 2008
14 Citations
Discrepancy signal refers to a report sent directly to the data provider via a datalink in electronic map applications for updating navigation charts in aircraft data processing systems.
Discrepancy signal in machine learning detects differences between predicted and actual outcomes, indicating the need for further training, especially for novel objects in sensory input.
The Fourier Discrepancy Function is a new discrepancy measure for comparing discrete probability measures, considering the space's geometry, with convexity, differentiability, gradient formula, and bounds related to Total Variation distance.

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