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What is India's role in shaping global South discourse? 

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India plays a significant role in shaping the discourse of the Global South through various avenues. The country's identity as a 'civilisational state' influences its global projection, emphasizing autonomy, cultural greatness, and strategic importance . In the realm of climate security, India rejects alarmist ideas and interprets Western discourse as a negotiation strategy, highlighting issues like internal climate migration and energy security in its policy and discourse . Additionally, India's interaction with the Global South is evolving, moving away from traditional Nehruvian values towards a more economically driven approach . In efforts to isolate Pakistan internationally, India faces challenges due to its reliance on vague global norms rather than specific national interests, prompting the need for a more assertive stance against cross-border terrorism . Overall, India's actions and policies contribute significantly to shaping the discourse and dynamics within the Global South.

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India plays a significant role in shaping global South discourse on climate resilience through assessing and developing urban adaptation plans, as highlighted in the research paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
India plays a significant role in shaping global South discourse through its evolving approach to development cooperation, reflecting a transition from Nehruvian values to a more economically driven perspective.
India rejects alarmist climate security discourse as a Western tactic to impose binding targets. It emphasizes human security in internal climate migration and integrates climate change into energy security policies.
India's global projection is heavily influenced by Global South rhetoric, encompassing irredentism, contestation with Western norms, and cooperation. This shapes a complex global order reflecting India's civilisational state status.

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Whay is global south?2 answersThe term "Global South" refers to countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Oceania, which are outside of Europe and North America and are often low-income and politically marginalized. It is a shorthand for regions that differ in terms of economic trajectories, institutional arrangements, and everyday life. The concept of the Global South also encompasses the cultural impact of video games, the growth of game development, and the vitality of game cultures across various regions, including Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, the Indian subcontinent, Oceania, and Asia. Moreover, the phrase "Global South" signifies a shift in focus from development or cultural difference to geopolitical power relations. Recent writings on the Global South have explored the role of emerging economies within the developing world in the global scenario.

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