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What is known about communities being the subject of news? 

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Communities have been a significant subject of news, with a focus on local news production and consumption. Studies highlight the emergence of inter-local spaces for news creation, emphasizing community-based practices and values that extend beyond local boundaries, potentially fostering democratic values . Community journalism has evolved with digital technologies, maintaining its core emphasis on citizens and their communities, emphasizing a "nearness to people" standard where journalists are actively involved in the welfare and civic life of the places they cover . Additionally, news among marginalized groups is viewed as activities within a village, challenging the sensational modernist approach that often overlooks community-centric news narratives . Overall, the research underscores the importance of community-centric news reporting and the evolving nature of community journalism in the digital age.

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Communities are portrayed as villages in news among the poor, contrasting the modernist conflict-driven news structure, emphasizing activities within a community setting rather than sensationalism.
Communities are the subject of news in community journalism, focusing on local residents or geographic areas, emphasizing citizen involvement and civic life amidst media and technological changes.
Communities are increasingly becoming the focus of news production and consumption, fostering empowerment, skill sharing, and democratic values through localized reporting practices extending beyond immediate localities.
Communities are central to news as journalism shapes, maintains, and disrupts them through communication. The role of journalism in American society extends beyond the public realm.

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10 answers
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Document analysis in quantitative research
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What is the concept of entrepreneurial creativity competency of highschool students?
10 answers
The concept of entrepreneurial creativity competency among high school students encompasses a multifaceted set of skills and attributes aimed at fostering innovative thinking and the ability to initiate and manage business ventures effectively. This competency integrates the development of creative capabilities, such as enterprising creativity, which is essential for problem-solving and innovation in various contexts. Despite challenges like high unemployment rates among Vocational High School graduates and a lack of enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, there is a pressing need for education systems to embed experience-based entrepreneurship learning to cultivate these competencies. Entrepreneurial creativity competency is not only about generating new ideas but also involves the ability to carry out productive practices with a real industry feel, as seen in Production Unit Activities in Vocational High Schools, which aim to instill an entrepreneurial spirit among students. This competency includes a broad spectrum of skills such as original idea generation, communication, organization, project management, action planning, risk-taking, and the receptivity to knowledge and skills required for starting new businesses. The assessment of students' entrepreneurial competencies can be challenging due to the lack of theoretically and empirically founded research instruments. However, newly developed questionnaires aim to capture these competencies across economic, team, and individual levels, providing tools for quality development and competence assessment in entrepreneurship education. Experiential learning has been identified as effective in enhancing entrepreneurial competencies, demonstrating the importance of hands-on, creative industry-based learning experiences over traditional lecture methods. Entrepreneurial creativity competency also involves the development of social capital and the ability to learn through communities of practice, as evidenced by projects like Youth Music Industries, which offer real business situations for skill development. The influence of entrepreneurship education and creativity on students' entrepreneurial intent highlights the significant role of creativity in fostering entrepreneurial mindsets. Moreover, the entrepreneurial competence of school principals based on creativity and innovation further underscores the importance of leadership in nurturing an entrepreneurial culture within schools. Lastly, the role of educational and research activities in high school is crucial for the acquisition of scientific knowledge and its creative application, indicating the importance of fostering pupils' creative abilities for effective entrepreneurial performance.