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What is media arts? 

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Media arts encompass a wide range of art forms that utilize digital technologies and various media platforms for creative expression. These include computer art, software art, virtual art, interactive art, net art, video art, installations, cinema, animation, internet art, web art, and more . Media arts involve the creation and sharing of artworks that convey meaning, express insight, and respond to individual, group, or community needs and issues . They play a crucial role in developing students' self-knowledge, aesthetic skills, and appreciation, while exploring social, cultural, and identity-related themes . In today's digital world, media arts are essential for fostering media literacy, creativity, and ethical understanding among students to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary digital economy .

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Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2020
Media arts encompass skills to think about media creatively, safely, and ethically. It equips students to navigate the digital world, fostering media literacy and creative participation in the contemporary landscape.
Media arts encompass various forms of creative expression using communication tools. It involves visual, auditory, and interactive elements to convey messages, entertain, and engage audiences in the evolving media landscape.
Media arts encompass photography, film, video, audio, computer arts, and interactive media. They involve creating and sharing artworks through various digital platforms to convey meaning, express insight, and explore cultural identity.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
20 Aug 2022-Söylem
1 Citations
Media arts encompass digital practices like computer art, software art, virtual art, interactive art, net art, and video art, utilizing digital technologies in artistic expressions.

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