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What is panning theory? 

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Panarchy theory is a concept that originated in ecology but has gained attention in other fields such as management studies and supply chain management. It offers a new way of interpreting and analyzing supply chains by recognizing their interconnectedness with society, the ecological environment, and other systems. The theory requires a reinterpretation of the unit of analysis from ecology to a social context. Applications of panarchy theory in supply chain management have been discussed, and potential future research directions have been highlighted .

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PAN is a portable, parallel environment for executing logic programs that automatically extracts and exploits parallelism in Prolog programs.
The PANS (Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes) model is a computational method used to simulate unsteady separated flows at a reasonable computational expense.
The PANS method is a hybrid RANS/LES modeling approach that combines the advantages of both methods for more accurate results with less computational cost.
Book ChapterDOI
13 May 2022
3 Citations
Panarchy theory is a framework originally used for analyzing ecological systems, but it has also been applied to supply chain management and other fields.

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