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What is physiological epistasis in the context of crop growth modeling and genomic prediction? 

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Physiological epistasis in the context of crop growth modeling and genomic prediction refers to the non-linear relationship between gene expression and growth rate, which is influenced by environmental and genetic factors . It is important to accurately predict changes in cellular growth rate based on gene expression variation to engineer biosynthetic pathways and understand mRNA abundance constraints . Epistasis models, such as Epistatic Random Regression BLUP (ERRBLUP) and selective Epistatic Random Regression BLUP (sERRBLUP), have been used to improve prediction accuracy in genomic prediction . These models consider additive and epistatic effects of genes and can capture genetic and environmental epistasis . By including first-order additive × additive epistasis in linear mixed models (LMMs), the accuracy of breeding value estimation for complex disease resistance phenotypes in crops can be improved . Overall, modeling epistasis in genomic selection can reduce computational load and improve prediction accuracy, particularly for selfing species .

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The provided paper does not mention physiological epistasis in the context of crop growth modeling and genomic prediction.
Physiological epistasis is not mentioned in the provided paper.
The provided paper does not mention physiological epistasis in the context of crop growth modeling and genomic prediction.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Yong Jiang, Jochen C. Reif 
01 Oct 2015-Genetics
205 Citations
The provided paper does not mention physiological epistasis in the context of crop growth modeling and genomic prediction.
The provided paper does not mention physiological epistasis in the context of crop growth modeling and genomic prediction.

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