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What is the article education and personal development: the long shadow of work about? 

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The article "Education and Personal Development: The Long Shadow of Work" delves into the interconnectedness of personal development, education, and training . It emphasizes the significance of personal development as a crucial criterion for enhancing the quality of higher education . The study explores how personal self-development is a multifaceted process that involves adaptation, individualization, and integration phases . Additionally, it highlights the role of personal and professional development in shaping future teachers' abilities and willingness for self-improvement . The article also discusses the importance of recognizing and understanding the Shadow component within individuals for achieving positive personal enhancement . Overall, it underscores the essential role of education and training in fostering personal growth and improving the quality of higher education.

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The article discusses the personal and professional development of future educators during educational practices, focusing on skills, self-development, and innovative teaching approaches in an anthropological context.
Not addressed in the paper.
The article explores the psychological aspects of personal self-development, emphasizing the interconnectedness of education, training, and the phases of adaptation, individualization, and integration in personal growth.
The article emphasizes personal development as crucial for enhancing higher education quality, highlighting its significance for individual self-realization and social development within the education sector.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Olga Korkunova, Tatyana Bushueva 
01 Sep 2017
The article discusses the significance of the Shadow component in personal development, emphasizing its role in achieving positive growth by integrating both negative and positive aspects of one's personality.

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