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What is the burden of bilharzia in kenya? 

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Bilharzia, also known as schistosomiasis, is a significant burden in Kenya. The disease is caused by Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium parasites, with the former being more prevalent in the Lake Victoria basin . The prevalence of S. mansoni in this region ranges between 40% and 80% . The community's knowledge and perceptions of schistosomiasis transmission and control in the Lake Victoria basin were found to be low, indicating a need for increased awareness and education . Current diagnostic tools for bilharzia have low validity and are not readily applicable in rural and remote areas . Nanotechnology has the potential to significantly improve diagnostic approaches, such as the development of a nano-biosensor for the detection of bilharzia antigen in stool samples . Control measures for schistosomiasis, including proper public health and medical infrastructure, are not effectively implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, leading to continued transmission of the disease .

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The burden of bilharzia in Kenya is not mentioned in the provided paper.
The provided paper does not mention the burden of bilharzia in Kenya. The paper focuses on the economic burden of malaria on subsistence crop production in Kenya.
The burden of bilharzia in Kenya is not mentioned in the provided paper.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
MK Ndii, NM Kimani, CK Onyambu 
9 Citations
The paper states that the prevalence of S. mansoni (intestinal schistosomiasis) along the Kenyan Lake Victoria basin ranges between 40% and 80%.

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