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What is the chemical structure of 7-methoxiflavinol? 

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The chemical structure of 7-methoxiflavinol, also known as 7-methoxyflavonol, can vary based on the specific substitution pattern. From the provided contexts, we can gather information on related compounds. For instance, Context_1 describes a molecule with a coumarin unit where methoxy and carboxylate groups are present. In Context_2, a compound with a benzopyranone core, a 4-methoxyphenyl substituent, and an ethoxy group is discussed. Additionally, Context_3 mentions a compound with a pyran ring and a benzopyran mean plane. These structures provide insights into the potential chemical structure of 7-methoxiflavinol, suggesting it may contain a similar core structure with methoxy and potentially other substituents. Further detailed analysis would be needed to precisely determine the exact chemical structure of 7-methoxiflavinol.

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The chemical structure of 7-methoxiflavinol is C17H14O4, with a planar benzopyran heterocycle and a dihedral angle of 23.5 degrees between the heterocycle and the phenyl ring.
The chemical structure of 7-Eth-oxy-4'-methoxy-isoflavone (monoethyl-formononetin) consists of a benzopyran­one core with a 4-methoxy­phenyl subsituent in the 3-position and an eth­oxy group in the 7-position.
The chemical structure of 7-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxy-phenyl)-2-trifluoromethyl-4H-chromen-4-one is reported in the paper, serving as a key intermediate for potent FPR antagonists.
The chemical structure of 7-methoxiflavinol is C11H8O5, with coplanar coumarin unit atoms and methoxy and carboxylate groups forming dihedral angles of 6.5° and 6.7°, respectively.

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