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What is the connection between binary white dwarf mergers and type Ia supernovae? 

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Binary white dwarf (WD) mergers play a crucial role in the production of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). These mergers lead to the formation of highly-magnetized, uniformly-rotating WDs close to the Chandrasekhar mass, which can subsequently undergo rapid spin up and compression, resulting in either a normal SN Ia or a failed detonation leading to a SN Iax event. The SNe Ia and SNe Iax originating from WD mergers exhibit similar characteristics to those from the canonical single degenerate channel but follow a delay time distribution typical of the double-degenerate channel. Additionally, WD mergers do not produce observable companion signatures, distinguishing them from other SN Ia formation mechanisms. This mechanism sheds light on the diverse pathways leading to Type Ia supernovae in galaxies.

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Binary white dwarf mergers produce near-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs, leading to Type Ia supernovae either via normal detonation or failed deflagration, resembling the single degenerate channel but with a double degenerate delay time distribution.
Binary white dwarf mergers can lead to type Ia supernovae through scenarios like the double-detonation mechanism, where a helium detonation triggers a carbon-oxygen core detonation, producing an SN Ia event.
Binary white dwarf mergers, driven by metallicity-dependent rates in dwarf galaxies, contribute to high Type Ia supernova rates, especially in low-mass galaxies due to enhanced binary fractions and extended star formation histories.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
04 Oct 2022
1 Citations
Binary white dwarf mergers, driven by metallicity-dependent rates and enhanced in low-mass galaxies, contribute to high Type Ia supernova rates, especially in dwarf galaxies.
Binary white dwarf-red giant star systems, including magnetic confinement, can evolve into Type Ia supernova progenitors by efficient hydrogen burning, potentially suppressing nova outbursts, leading to supernova explosions.

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