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What is the current situation renewable energy? 

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The current situation of renewable energy globally is promising, with increasing deployment and capacity growth . Various countries are actively developing renewable energy sources like wind and solar power to counter climate change and enhance energy security . However, challenges such as curtailment due to output power randomness exist, prompting research into methods like energy storage systems and complementary wind-solar setups to stabilize generation output . Government support plays a crucial role in promoting renewable energy, as seen in Russia where state programs have boosted large producers but neglected microgeneration . In Ukraine, efforts to accelerate biofuel use in the transport sector are underway, drawing inspiration from successful EU policies like energy and carbon taxes on fossil fuels . Overall, renewable energy is on a growth trajectory, becoming increasingly competitive with conventional energy sources for electricity generation in the medium to long term.

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The current situation of renewable energy for electricity generation is rapidly increasing globally due to government policies, declining technology costs, and growing energy demand, with 25.4 GW of new capacity installed in 2013.
The current situation of renewable energy in China involves rapid development but faces curtailment issues due to output fluctuations, prompting research on reducing waste through energy storage solutions.
The current situation of renewable energy in Russia highlights government support for large producers but neglects microgeneration due to ineffective regulation and support programs, hindering its development.
The current situation of renewable energy in the transport sector is slow in Ukraine compared to the EU. Recommendations include consistent policy implementation and exploring second-generation biofuels production.

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