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What is the definition of daily expenses about transportation drivers? 

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Daily expenses for transportation drivers encompass various elements such as time and financial costs, discomfort, and other perceived costs related to utilizing transport services, forming the concept of generalized cost . Recent studies challenge the traditional assumption of a constant daily travel-time budget for individuals, highlighting significant variability in travel-time expenditures among different cities and even within the same city for different driver categories . Additionally, advancements in daily earning processing systems aim to streamline financial transactions for drivers, enabling them to deposit their daily earnings electronically, reducing time and fuel consumption . By integrating these insights, the definition of daily expenses for transportation drivers extends beyond mere monetary transactions to include time management, physiological limits, and the overall cost perception associated with their mobility needs.

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Not addressed in the paper.
Daily travel-time expenditures for transportation drivers vary based on accessibility to destinations and physiological limits related to stress and fatigue, challenging the assumption of a constant travel-time budget.
The system manages taxi drivers' daily earnings deposited online, comparing real earnings with reference earnings, facilitating efficient fuel and time management through automatic calculations and gas ticket administration.
Daily travel-time expenditures for transportation drivers vary due to accessibility of destinations and physiological limits, contradicting the assumption of a constant daily travel-time budget.
Not addressed in the paper.

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