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What is the encoding? 

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The encoding process involves various methods and techniques to transform data for efficient transmission or storage. In the context of the provided research papers, encoding methods include analyzing images for projective transformations , constructing identifier trees for code block encoding , extracting line-drawing regions for video encoding , generating orthogonal subspaces for data transmission in signal space , and encoding time-series signals in the frequency domain based on shape parameters of generalized Gaussian distribution . These diverse approaches highlight the complexity and versatility of encoding techniques across different domains such as image processing, data compression, and signal transmission.

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The encoding in the communication device involves generating mutually orthogonal subspaces to transmit data effectively in a predetermined signal space, enhancing the number of orthogonal subspaces for encoding efficiency.
The encoding in the paper involves extracting line-drawing regions, replacing them with previous images, generating video and line-drawing encoding information, and transmitting to a decoding device for processing.
The encoding involves constructing an identifier tree based on zero bit plane (ZBP) or inclusion information of code blocks and encoding it in parallel within the encoding system.
The encoding involves analyzing camera images, determining unchanged parameters, generating a homographic matrix, and executing projective transformation to predict object images accurately.

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