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What is the evolutionary context of Air-breathing organs in fish? 

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Air-breathing organs in fish have evolved independently multiple times and are found in various taxonomically disparate groups of fishes. These organs include the lung, gas bladder, buccal, branchial, and opercular chambers, esophagus, pneumatic duct, stomach and intestine, gills, and skin . The evolution of air-breathing and the transition from water to land were pivotal events that greatly influenced the ecological diversification and success of animal life . The move onto land was a direct solution to the existing respiratory conditions in water, rather than a direct causal relationship between the evolution of air-breathing and the shift onto land . Fishes have developed a wide variety of air-breathing organs in different parts of the body, such as different segments of the alimentary canal, outgrowths from the canal, specialized structures from the gills, and the skin . The circulatory system of air-breathing fishes has often been modified to accommodate blood to and from the newly developed air-breathing surface .

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The paper discusses how air-breathing organs have independently evolved in different lineages of fish, including primitive bony fishes and more advanced teleostean forms.
The paper discusses the evolutionary context of air-breathing organs (ABOs) in fish, including the diversity of ABOs and their development from primitive to derived teleosts.
The paper discusses the evolutionary implications of air-breathing organs in fish and the morphology of the peripheral receptors involved in the control of air-breathing.
The paper discusses the evolution of air-breathing in fish and the transition from water to land. It explains that the move onto land was a direct solution to the existing respiratory conditions in water.

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