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What is the Feature Driven Development (FDD) in the context of mobile application development? 

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Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an approach used in software development that focuses on developing features incrementally. It involves breaking down the development process into small, manageable tasks and prioritizing them based on customer requirements. FDD is applicable in various contexts, including mobile application development. It can be used to develop mobile applications by following a feature-driven approach, where features are identified, designed, and implemented in iterations. This approach allows for rapid development and delivery of mobile applications while ensuring that customer requirements are met. FDD can be particularly useful in the context of mobile application development, where agility and responsiveness to customer needs are crucial.

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The provided paper does not specifically mention Feature Driven Development (FDD) in the context of mobile application development. The paper focuses on evaluating the benefits of architecture support in FDD methodology and proposing a solution model.
The provided paper does not mention anything about Feature Driven Development (FDD) in the context of mobile application development.
The provided paper does not mention anything about mobile application development or Feature Driven Development (FDD) in the context of mobile applications.
The paper does not provide information about Feature Driven Development (FDD) in the context of mobile application development.
The provided paper does not mention anything about Feature Driven Development (FDD) in the context of mobile application development.

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