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What is the impact of biotic factors in plant growth? 

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Biotic factors play a crucial role in plant growth by influencing root development, interactions with beneficial microbes, and overall plant fitness and productivity. These factors include microbes, insects, weeds, and other organisms that can either positively or negatively affect plant growth. Additionally, plant-plant interactions are significant, ranging from facilitation to competition, which can shape a plant's environment and performance. On the other hand, abiotic stresses like high and low temperatures, drought, and flooding can also impact plant growth anatomically and morphologically, leading to reduced crop yields. To combat these stresses, plants can be treated with osmolytes like jasmonic acid and proline to reduce reactive oxidation species and free ion radicals, thereby aiding in their growth and development.

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Biotic factors like fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and weeds can disrupt plant growth, leading to reduced crop yield and nutrition by causing diseases and competition.
Biotic factors, such as plant-plant interactions, can have varying impacts on plant growth, including competition for resources and facilitation leading to species-specific overyielding.
Not addressed in the paper.
The impact of the biocomposition "Bioecofunge-1" based on Basidiomycota and plant components stimulates tomato growth and development, enhancing productivity and disease resistance in agricultural plants.
Not addressed in the paper.

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What is the impact of biotic factors in plant growth and crop production?4 answersBiotic factors, such as plant diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes, significantly impact plant growth and crop production. These biotic stresses pose a threat to plants, affecting their growth and development by triggering intricate physiological, molecular, and cellular adaptations for survival. On the other hand, fungi, including Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and others, can be beneficial as sources of growth-promoting substances and enzymes. Moreover, the application of fungi as biological agents to control plant pathogens is well-documented, showcasing their role in managing nutrient cycling and enhancing crop productivity while minimizing the negative impacts of chemical fertilizers. Understanding and managing these biotic factors are crucial for ensuring optimal plant health and maximizing crop yields in agricultural systems.
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How biotic and abiotic factors interact and affect plant growth and yield?5 answersBiotic and abiotic factors have a significant impact on plant growth and yield. Abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and heavy metal pollutants can lead to reduced plant growth and yield, as well as damage to plant cells and proteins. These stresses can also disrupt the plant's defense system against pests and pathogens, making them more vulnerable to attack. On the other hand, biotic stresses such as plant pathogens and herbivores can further challenge plant growth, especially in the presence of abiotic stress factors. However, plants have developed mechanisms to cope with these stresses, including the synthesis of osmolytes or osmoprotectants, which protect against oxidative damage caused by stress. Additionally, the plant microbiome, consisting of beneficial microorganisms, plays a crucial role in mitigating abiotic stresses and enhancing plant sustainability and productivity. Understanding the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors is essential for developing climate-resilient crops and achieving sustainable agriculture.
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