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What is the impact of using dictionaries on academic research? 

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Using dictionaries in academic research can have both positive and negative impacts. Dictionaries can enhance context understanding and save time in content analysis. However, conflicts may arise between dictionary descriptions and researchers' intuitions, requiring systematic decision-making. In the case of linguistic research on COVID-19, dictionaries aid in analyzing the evolving vocabulary, showcasing word-formation approaches and semantic webs. Academic English dictionaries, while diverse, may not fully meet the linguistic demands of students, highlighting the need for more suitable resources. Overall, dictionaries play a crucial role in aiding researchers in various fields, but researchers must navigate potential conflicts and limitations to maximize their effectiveness in academic research.

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Using dictionaries in academic research is crucial due to the linguistic diversity in academic English. Current dictionaries lack suitability for academic English acquisition, highlighting the need for more student-oriented resources.
Using dictionaries, like the Oxford English Dictionary, aids in documenting the impact of coroneologisms on sociology during the COVID-19 pandemic, enhancing academic research on language evolution and societal changes.
Not addressed in the paper.
Using dictionaries in automated content analysis for knowledge management research improves context understanding and saves time, despite introducing subjectivity from manual compound concept extraction.
Using dictionaries in academic research can lead to conflicts between dictionary definitions and researchers' intuitions. Researchers must decide whether to follow dictionaries or their intuitions systematically and explicitly.

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What are the advantages of using a dictionary?4 answersUsing a dictionary has several advantages. It helps learners overcome challenges such as unfamiliar vocabularies, mixing words with different textual meanings, and difficulties in effective writing. Dictionaries serve as a complementary aid for learners and teachers in choosing pedagogic strategies. They are valuable resources for learning the historical establishment of words and understanding the origin and historical development of expressions. Dictionaries also play an important role in the process of translation, helping translators select the appropriate meaning for a word. Additionally, dictionaries are useful for understanding the different forms and meanings of words, such as function words that cue the structure of a sentence and content words that communicate meaning in text. Dictionaries are widely used tools for foreign and second language learning, helping learners with both frequent and infrequent items. They can aid in developing skills in reading, writing, and pronunciation.
What are the benefits of using a dictionary?5 answersUsing a dictionary has several benefits. It can improve reading, spelling, and general phonological skills, especially for children. Dictionary use in language exams can lead to higher marks and better performance on different types of questions. The use of a dictionary can enhance students' reading and comprehension abilities, leading to increased marks and a positive attitude towards reading. Working systematically with a dictionary can improve dictionary skills, as well as writing, reading comprehension, and vocabulary in a foreign language. The dictionary can be a valuable tool for language learning, helping students improve their language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
When did electronic dictionaries come in lexicography?3 answersElectronic dictionaries came into lexicography in the late 1950s/early 1960s, initially referred to as machine-readable dictionaries. At that time, computers were used for tasks such as sorting, codifying, rearranging, and checking data for dictionary production. However, the actual production of dictionaries still relied on conventional means. The use of computers in lexicography brought about significant advancements, leading to the development of electronic lexicography as a field in its own right. Electronic dictionaries have evolved over time, from machine-readable dictionaries to complex digital lexicographic systems with advanced search capabilities, speed, simplicity, and accessibility. They are now widely used in various spheres of human activity. However, there is a shortage of electronic dictionaries, both general and terminological, in Ukraine, which highlights the need for further research in domestic computer lexicography.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic dictionaries compared to paper dictionaries?5 answersElectronic dictionaries have several advantages over paper dictionaries. They offer easy access, time and space efficiency, free access, actual vocabulary, built-in sound synthesizer, great variety of languages, multifunctioning, and links to different resources and communities. They also provide the convenience of mobile online accessibility, making them more accessible for language learning. However, there are also disadvantages to using electronic dictionaries. They may lack lexicographical detail and scope compared to print dictionaries. There can be problems with hybridization, corpus coherence, data reliability, access path, personalization, and quality. Additionally, the content of electronic dictionaries can change in unspecified and undocumented ways, raising concerns about reliability and quality. Despite these disadvantages, the convenience and multimedia features of electronic dictionaries make them a popular choice for language learners.
Can dictionaries help in developing one's English skills?5 answersDictionaries can help in developing one's English skills by providing a comprehensive and systematic resource for learning vocabulary and improving language proficiency. They offer definitions, pronunciations, collocations, and correct usage of words, making them valuable tools for learners at different levels. Research has shown that using dictionaries, both paper and electronic, can enhance students' in-depth vocabulary knowledge. Learners' dictionaries, in particular, are popular among second or foreign language learners as they provide a range of information to support language learning. Additionally, dictionaries designed specifically for learners of English offer features such as illustrations, content area words, and extra help notes to facilitate understanding and expand vocabulary. Overall, dictionaries play a crucial role in language learning and can contribute to the development of English skills.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a dictionary?2 answersUsing a dictionary has several advantages. It can improve language skills, such as writing, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. It can also provide self-teaching opportunities to improve reading, spelling, and phonological skills. Dictionaries are the best description of word meanings and can be a tool for learning throughout life. Additionally, the use of a monolingual learner's dictionary can have a mildly positive influence on reading comprehension performance. However, there are also some disadvantages. Some scholars argue that dictionary use may slow down reading and result in a loss of comprehension. Poor readers may struggle with dictionary skills, being slower and less accurate in looking up words. Misinterpretation of entries and insufficient processing of dictionary information in context can also hinder comprehension.

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