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What is the interact of the effectiveness and efficiency of TikTok as stress reliever among shs? 

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The effectiveness and efficiency of TikTok as a stress reliever among high school students (SHS) have been explored in various research studies. TikTok has been found to serve as a coping mechanism for different demographics, including teachers and cancer patients, by providing a platform for creating and consuming content related to stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that TikTok interventions can lead to a reduction in anxiety and depression levels among cancer patients, highlighting its potential as a safe and effective tool for mental health care. Additionally, research on dental health education using TikTok has demonstrated its effectiveness in increasing knowledge among high school students, indicating its positive impact on educational outcomes. Overall, TikTok's diverse content and engaging nature make it a promising avenue for stress relief and knowledge dissemination among SHS.

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Effect of tiktok to students mental health?5 answersThe use of TikTok has been found to have various psychological effects on students' mental health. These effects include loneliness, anxiety, stress, depression, and lower life satisfaction. Studies have shown that addictive users of TikTok experience worse mental health conditions compared to non-users and moderate users, including higher levels of depression, anxiety, stress, loneliness, and social anxiety. Additionally, addictive users also face higher academic stress, poorer academic performance, more bullying victimization, and worse parental relationships. However, it is important to note that moderate use of TikTok may not be associated with negative mental health conditions or poor school performance. Overall, the findings suggest that the impact of TikTok on students' mental health is significant and targeted interventions and treatments are needed to address the psychiatric symptoms associated with addictive use of the app.
How is tiktok as a stress reliever?5 answersTikTok has been found to have a positive effect on improving the mood of its users, making it a potential stress reliever. The unique special effects and music choices in creating videos on TikTok contribute to its ability to boost the mood of its users. However, it is important to note that the specific mechanisms through which TikTok acts as a stress reliever are not mentioned in the available abstracts.
Rrl about stress level of using tiktok?5 answersThe abstracts provided do not contain specific information about the stress level of using TikTok.
What are the effects of TikTok in the mental health?5 answersTikTok has both positive and negative effects on mental health. It serves as a platform for information and social support, allowing for self-discovery and understanding not found in traditional online communities. However, there are concerns about the credibility of mental health information on TikTok, as conflicts between a creator's vulnerability and credibility arise. The use of TikTok can lead to psychological effects such as loneliness, anxiety, and stress. It has been found that higher levels of engagement with TikTok can increase "digital stress" and worsen depressive symptoms over time. Additionally, TikTok can contribute to lowered confidence, increased body dissatisfaction, and rumination among young women who tend toward appearance comparison. The platform's algorithmic framework and affective engagement of users play a role in curating content and shaping mental health and therapeutic frameworks. Overall, the use of TikTok can have both positive and negative impacts on mental health, highlighting the need for moderation and awareness.

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