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What is the main mechanism responsible for losses in silicon waveguides? 

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The main mechanisms responsible for losses in silicon waveguides include free-carrier absorption (FCA), Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, two-photon absorption (TPA), and linear propagation loss. FCA, caused by electron-hole pairs generated by high-level generation events, contributes to transient loss. Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering are observed in waveguides written in fused silica, with Rayleigh scattering improving after thermal annealing. TPA, FCA, and linear propagation loss significantly affect insertion loss in silicon waveguides, with larger mode areas and reduced linear propagation loss being effective in minimizing losses. Additionally, submicron silicon-on-insulator waveguides exhibit propagation loss due to lattice defects, which can be mitigated through thermal annealing.

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Loss mechanisms in silicon waveguides are primarily due to Rayleigh scattering and coupling losses, influenced by pulse energy, scan velocity, and annealing temperature, as per the research findings.
Polarization-dependent losses, causing filtering of light polarization and attenuation of transverse electric mode, are the main mechanisms in porous silicon ridge waveguides, as per the research findings.
The main mechanisms responsible for losses in silicon waveguides are two-photon absorption (TPA), free-carriers absorption (FCA), and linear propagation loss, as highlighted in the research paper.
The main mechanisms for losses in silicon waveguides at 2 μm are propagation loss, waveguide bending loss, and doped waveguide loss, with thermal annealing addressing lattice defects from ion-implantation.

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