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What is the mass-to-light ratio of the M94 galaxy? 

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The mass-to-light ratio of the M94 galaxy is significant, as indicated by various observations. The HI observations with the FAST telescope revealed a total HI mass of (6.51±0.06)×10^8 M⊙, which is 63.0% more than previously observed, suggesting a substantial mass content in the galaxy . Additionally, multi-wavelength analysis showed that the outer disk of M94 contains about 23% of the total stellar mass budget of the galaxy, indicating a significant mass contribution from this region . These findings imply that M94 has a considerable mass relative to its light output, highlighting an intriguing mass-to-light ratio in this galaxy.

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The outer region of M94 galaxy holds approximately 23% of its total stellar mass, indicating a significant mass contribution from this area.
The mass-to-light ratio of the M94 galaxy is approximately 63.0% higher than previously observed, with a H I mass of (6.51±0.06)×10^8M⊙, indicating a significant amount of mass.
The mass-to-light ratio of the M94 galaxy is consistent with the dynamical black hole mass measurement, suggesting a low AGN contribution and negligible Eddington ratios.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
08 Jun 2023
The mass-to-light ratio of the M94 galaxy is not directly addressed in the paper.

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