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What is the meaning of duration in the context of parent child relationship? 

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Duration in the context of parent-child relationships refers to the length of time parents provide care and support to their offspring, influencing various aspects of child development. Research suggests that maternal care duration plays a crucial role in shaping offspring phenotypes, including behavior, brain anatomy, and morphological traits. Maternal care quality and duration can impact how children interact with their environment, affecting growth, survival, and reproductive success. Additionally, the duration of parent-child interactions postpartum can influence children's behaviors and attachment styles, with fathers potentially compensating for maternal depressive symptoms. Understanding the significance of duration in parent-child relationships provides insights into how early experiences shape individuals' development and interactions with their surroundings.

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In the context of parent-child relationships, duration refers to the length of time a mother provides care to her offspring, influencing offspring phenotypes such as morphology and behavior.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
In the context of parent-child relationships, duration refers to the period of 15-18 months postpartum when interactions were observed to assess the impact of maternal depressive mood on children.
In the context of parent-child relationships, duration refers to the length of time a married couple has been together, predicting children-in-law's perceptions of positive and negative parent-in-law behaviors.

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