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What is the national electrification rate and how many Filipinos have access to affordable and reliable electricity? 

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The national electrification rate in the Philippines is a critical concern due to challenges in providing reliable and affordable electricity. Despite improvements in access to electricity, around 8,000 regional districts in the Philippines still lack access to electricity. The country has faced issues with the National Power Corporation (NPC) failing to deliver reliable and affordable electricity, leading to financial difficulties and restructuring of the power sector. Market failures have hindered progress in energy access and efficiency, despite the relatively high share of renewable energy in the generation mix. The country's heavy reliance on coal power and large-scale transmission lines has resulted in urban-rural electricity distribution inequality and high rates, emphasizing the need for solutions like variable renewable energy (VRE) to address energy insecurity.

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The national electrification rate in the Philippines reached 91% in 2016. However, regional disparities exist, impacting access to affordable and reliable electricity for some Filipinos.
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