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What is the pattern generalization strategy? 

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Pattern generalization strategy involves the process of deriving general formulas or rules from specific instances or patterns. Students often face challenges in generalizing patterns due to difficulties in representing generalizations with variables and justifying their solutions. Concrete operational students tend to struggle with this process, often relying on strategies like guess and check or explicit visual methods . Similarly, field-dependent students may fail to generalize linear patterns effectively when they view problems globally without breaking them down into components, utilizing strategies such as recursive or different approaches . To support students in pattern generalization, teacher education programs need to focus on enhancing prospective teachers' abilities to analyze students' thinking and provide appropriate support for their learning .

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The paper proposes a domain generalization strategy to enhance weather prediction models' robustness to spatial-temporal shifts, optimizing hyperparameters, augmentations, and test-time augmentation for improved performance.
Pattern generalization strategy involves examining students' work to understand their mathematical thinking. Elementary prospective teachers showed varied attention to students' strategies but lacked sophistication in analysis and support suggestions.
The pattern generalization strategy involves breaking linear patterns into components for successful generalization, focusing on recursive and different strategies, particularly beneficial for field-dependent cognitive style students.
Pattern generalization strategy for concrete operational students involves guess and check, and explicit visual strategies. They struggle with representing generalizations with variables and justifying them.

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