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What is the percentage difference of cement prices between nigeria and developed countries? 

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The price of cement in Nigeria is notably higher compared to developed countries. Research indicates that cement prices were particularly high in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, in comparison to the rest of the world . This disparity is influenced by market structure, as countries with fewer firms in the cement industry tend to have higher prices . The high cost of cement in Nigeria has become a concern for housing development, as it is a crucial material in construction activities . The privatization of cement companies in Nigeria, like Ashaka Cement Company, has shown improvements in performance post-privatization, indicating positive outcomes in the industry . Overall, the percentage difference in cement prices between Nigeria and developed countries is significant, impacting various sectors like construction and housing development.

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Open accessPosted Content
Martina Kirchberger, Keelan Beirne 
01 Jan 2021
Cement prices in Sub-Saharan Africa, like Nigeria, are notably higher compared to developed countries due to market structure; prices are highest in countries with few cement firms.
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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Mar 2023
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