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What is the recent research on kidney tumours? 

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Recent research on kidney tumors has focused on various aspects of these malignancies. Studies have explored the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), with more than 82 miRNAs identified as being involved in renal cancers . The use of exosomes as mediators of intercellular communication in the tumor microenvironment has also been investigated, with potential applications for the diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer . Additionally, a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent surgical removal of clear cell carcinoma found morpho-functional changes in the kidneys depending on tumor size and the presence of systemic diseases . The incidence of new cases of renal cell carcinoma has been increasing, and the role of trans-arterial embolization (TAE) in the treatment of these tumors has been explored, although the evidence for its effectiveness is inconclusive . Furthermore, the new WHO classification of renal tumors has improved the understanding and accurate diagnosis of these neoplasms .

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The recent research on kidney tumors discussed in the paper focuses on the histomorphological features of various renal tumors and the classification of these tumors based on the new WHO classification.
The recent research on kidney tumors discussed in the paper focuses on the use of trans-arterial embolization (TAE) in both neoadjuvant and palliative treatment regimens. The paper highlights the effects of TAE on reducing blood loss, surgery duration, and tumor volume, as well as its potential to increase cancer-specific survival rates after radical intervention. However, the paper also mentions conflicting findings regarding the ability of TAE to improve overall survival and its effectiveness in certain cases such as inferior vena cava thrombosis. The paper suggests the need for further randomized studies to establish the indications and effects of TAE in patients with kidney tumors.
The recent research analyzed the examination and treatment results of 30 patients who underwent surgical removal of clear cell carcinoma in the kidneys. It studied the effect of tumor size and the presence of systemic diseases on morpho-functional changes in the kidneys.
The recent research on kidney tumors focuses on the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in renal cancer, including their involvement in progression, diagnosis, therapy targeting, and prognosis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
The provided paper discusses the role of exosomes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer, but it does not provide specific information on recent research on kidney tumors.

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