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What is the relationship between intrinsic motivation and Task-switching Task performance such as mixing cost and switching cost? 

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In the realm of task-switching performance, intrinsic motivation plays a significant role. Research by Fröber and Schuch demonstrated that reward manipulation can enhance attentional focus and lead to faster task performance. However, the study did not find robust evidence for a direct modulation of N-2 task repetition costs by rewards. On the other hand, the work by Eich et al. highlighted age-related differences in mixing costs, with older adults showing increased mixing costs but not switch costs. This suggests that intrinsic motivation, such as reward incentives, may impact task performance differently based on age-related cognitive changes. Therefore, while intrinsic motivation can enhance overall task performance, its specific influence on mixing costs and switching costs may vary across different age groups.

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The study found that reward-based motivation enhanced task-switching performance by increasing attentional focus, but did not robustly affect N-2 task repetition costs, suggesting limited interaction with inhibitory control.
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