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What is the relationship between trunk angle and pitch velocity in baseball players? 

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The relationship between trunk angle and pitch velocity in baseball players is crucial for understanding pitching performance. Studies have shown that trunk rotation velocity normalized to peak velocity is significantly correlated with ball speed, elbow valgus torque, and shoulder external rotation torque . Additionally, changes in trunk posture affect pitching movement and torque exertion in the elbow joint, impacting ball releasing velocity . Furthermore, hip shoulder separation has been found to be related to trunk rotation velocity and pitch velocity, highlighting the importance of this interplay in maximizing pitching performance . These findings emphasize the significance of trunk angle and its coordination with hip and shoulder movements in generating ball velocity during baseball pitching.

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Peak trunk velocity positively correlates with ball velocity in baseball pitching. Improving pelvis-trunk dissociation can enhance trunk rotation speed, boosting pitch velocity without increasing shoulder and elbow strain.
Sagittal plane trunk tilt is associated with upper extremity joint moments and ball velocity in collegiate baseball pitchers, indicating a relationship between trunk angle and pitch velocity.
Trunk angle, specifically peak trunk rotation velocity, is positively correlated with pitch velocity in baseball players, indicating a significant relationship between trunk movement and throwing speed.
The normalized trunk rotation velocity at peak pelvic velocity correlates with ball speed in baseball pitching, suggesting that lower trunk rotation can increase pitch velocity.
The trunk posture influences pitching performance in baseball players. Changes in trunk angle affect joint movements and torque, impacting ball release velocity during pitching.

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