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What is the relationship between young Chinese and traditional festival culture? 

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Young Chinese individuals show varying degrees of engagement with traditional festival culture. Animated films like "Mr.Nian" based on Chinese myths and legends are popular among the youth, aiding in spreading traditional festival culture. Additionally, programs like "Classic Chanting" play a significant role in educating and inspiring young people about traditional culture through entertaining mediums. The acceptance of Western culture and festivals among the new generation in China reflects a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, emphasizing the importance of preserving and learning about one's own national culture before embracing foreign influences. Overall, the younger demographic's interest in traditional festival culture is influenced by factors like exposure to cultural media, educational programs, and the ongoing cultural exchange between Chinese and Western traditions.

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
20 Aug 2014
1 Citations
Young Chinese embrace both Western and traditional Chinese festival cultures, reflecting a fusion of national and foreign traditions. It's essential to preserve Chinese cultural essence while appreciating foreign influences.
Young Chinese are increasingly reconnecting with traditional festival culture due to revitalization efforts post-1980s, supported by the government and folk organizations, contributing to the revival of modern Chinese culture.
Young Chinese identify more with traditional cultural features in mythological animation, like Mr.Nian, compared to middle-aged individuals, indicating a strong connection between the youth and traditional festival culture.
"Classic Chanting" programs enhance young Chinese people's enthusiasm for traditional culture, providing mental inspiration and a deeper understanding, fostering a strong connection between youth and traditional festival culture.
Not addressed in the paper.

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