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What is the relationship/effect of Military to civilian transition and Life satisfaction in Indian Ex-servicemen? 

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The transition from military to civilian life significantly impacts the life satisfaction of Indian Ex-Servicemen (ESM). Research indicates that ESM face challenges in reintegration, with employment being a critical factor in the process . Studies on veterans in the US transitioning to civilian life show that they often experience poorer mental health, less life satisfaction, and higher rates of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder compared to the general population . Additionally, unmet needs at the time of discharge and the perceived loss of military identity are linked to increased risky behavior, mediated by depression and resentment towards civilians, emphasizing the importance of addressing post-discharge needs and identity adaptation to reduce emotional and behavioral issues during the transition .

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Transition from military to civilian life impacts life satisfaction in Indian Ex-Servicemen. Challenges in employment and reintegration affect their overall well-being post-service.
Transitioning from military to civilian life impacts life satisfaction in Indian Ex-Servicemen. The integration process poses trials and tribulations during this transition period.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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