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What is the rol of water in animal nutrition? 

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Water plays a pivotal role in animal nutrition, serving as a fundamental nutrient that is indispensable across various stages of animal growth and productivity. Animals obtain water from three primary sources: direct drinking, the moisture content in food, and metabolic water produced during the oxidation of nutrients. This water is crucial for maintaining bodily functions, as it is lost through urine, feces, respiration, and perspiration. In the realm of sports and physical activities, water's significance is magnified, with athletes experiencing up to 50 times higher fluid loss through sweating during physical activity compared to rest. This underscores the necessity of adequate water intake for maintaining performance levels. Water scarcity and pollution pose significant challenges, particularly affecting food producers and poorer populations. The interdependence of water availability and food security is evident, with malnutrition levels rising in tandem with water scarcity. Strategies to improve water and food systems include enhancing agricultural water management and reducing water and food losses, highlighting the critical nature of water in sustaining life and food systems. In animal agriculture, water productivity, defined as the quantity of product per unit of water used, is an emerging concern. Nutritional strategies aimed at improving water productivity in livestock, such as adjusting dietary components, can significantly impact the efficiency of water use. Research in community ecology suggests that water availability directly influences animal behavior and species interactions, particularly in arid conditions where animals prioritize water over food. Water-based nutrient supplementation in grazing animals has shown promise, indicating the potential for water to serve as a medium for delivering essential nutrients. The role of water in the development of the gut microbiome and nutrient digestibility in dairy calves further exemplifies its importance in animal nutrition. With the increasing scarcity of water, understanding its role in intensive livestock industries becomes crucial for sustainable management practices. Studies on domestic animals in harsh environments have demonstrated how water deprivation affects feed utilization and metabolic activities, emphasizing the need for efficient water management. Finally, the adaptability of small ruminants to adverse environmental conditions and their efficient use of water highlight the potential of these animals in mitigating climate change effects and improving sustainability in livestock production.

Answers from top 6 papers

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Papers (6)Insight
Water plays a crucial role in animal nutrition by influencing feed intake, growth, health, nutrient digestibility, and gut microbiota composition in young dairy calves, as highlighted in the study.
Water plays a crucial role in animal nutrition by enabling nutrient supplementation, controlling grazing through water availability regulation, and potentially allowing medication delivery, as discussed in the paper.
Water plays a crucial role in animal nutrition by influencing productivity. Nutritional strategies can enhance water productivity indicators, such as total weight and energy output per unit of water consumed.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2023
Water plays a crucial role in animal nutrition as it is essential for food production, processing, and hydration, impacting overall health and well-being of animals in the food system.
Water plays a crucial role in animal nutrition by regulating body temperature, aiding in physiological functions, and compensating for fluid loss during physical activity, essential for optimal performance and health.
Open access
11 Aug 2020
1 Citations
Water plays a crucial role in animal nutrition by being obtained from drinking water, food, and metabolic processes. It is essential for various bodily functions and has no evidence of harm in excess.

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