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What is the role of molecular docking in predicting the binding affinity of methoxyflavone to the TGF-beta receptor? 

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Molecular docking plays a crucial role in predicting the binding affinity of compounds like methoxyflavone to the TGF-beta receptor. It is a computational tool used to estimate binding poses and affinities of small molecules within specific receptor targets . Studies have shown that molecular docking, coupled with molecular dynamics simulations, can identify lead compounds with high binding affinities to the TGF-beta receptor, such as Epicatechin, Fisetin, Luteolin, Curcumin, Curcumin Pyrazole, and Demethoxycurcumin . These compounds exhibit strong interactions with the receptor and show promising potential for therapeutic development against conditions like kidney fibrosis and oral sub-mucous fibrosis . By utilizing docking methodologies, researchers can screen and identify potential drug candidates with optimal binding affinities to target receptors, paving the way for the development of effective treatments for various diseases.

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Not addressed in the paper.
Molecular docking predicts binding affinity of compounds like methoxyflavone to TGF-beta receptors. Curcumin derivatives showed high affinity in docking studies for TGF-β receptors in Oral Submucous Fibrosis.
Molecular docking predicts binding affinity; methoxyflavone's interaction with TGFβR-1 was not specifically mentioned. However, Epicatechin, Fisetin, and Luteolin showed high affinity.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
301 Citations
Molecular docking predicts binding modes and affinities of ligands like methoxyflavone to receptors. It aids in drug design by optimizing lead compounds and screening for biologically active molecules.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Tatu Pantsar, Antti Poso 
30 Jul 2018-Molecules
259 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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