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What is the salient features of matatag curriculum? 

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The matatag curriculum is characterized by its dynamic and progressive nature, aiming to enhance learning through continuous development and assessment based on regional characteristics . It emphasizes the importance of incorporating local cultural elements, such as traditional rites, language, and arts, into the curriculum to preserve and promote cultural heritage while improving critical thinking, self-confidence, and moral values among students . Additionally, the curriculum development model plays a crucial role in perfecting the curriculum by analyzing needs, formulating goals, structuring content, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and improving based on the concept of Tauhid-Based Integral Education . Furthermore, the curriculum-related intelligent schoolbag utilizes RFID technology to link class schedules with electronic tags on books, ensuring alignment and providing reminders to users for efficient book selection .

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Journal ArticleDOI
29 Aug 1942-BMJ
3 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
The salient features of the Matatag curriculum include diagnosing needs, formulating goals, developing structure and content, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating with a Tauhid-Based Integral Education concept.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Ji Zhang, Jingkuan Song, Yazhou Yao, Lianli Gao 
17 Oct 2021
24 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
The salient features of the Matatag curriculum include customary rites, cultural heritage, Manggarai language, and cultural arts, aimed at preserving Manggarai culture at elementary levels.

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What is deped matatag curriculum?5 answersThe DepEd Matatag curriculum refers to a robust educational framework developed by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines. This curriculum aims to enhance the quality of education by focusing on various components such as curriculum design, teacher training, and educational practices. It emphasizes the importance of aligning institutional goals, curricular objectives, and instructional strategies to meet the needs of learners effectively. Furthermore, the curriculum development process involves meticulous planning, implementation, and evaluation to ensure continuous improvement and adaptation to societal changes. By integrating innovative teaching methods and addressing the challenges faced in teacher education, the DepEd Matatag curriculum strives to elevate the standards of teacher training programs and ultimately enhance the overall quality of education in the country.
What is Deped matatag curriculum?4 answersThe DepEd Matatag curriculum refers to a robust and well-structured educational framework designed to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the Philippines. This curriculum emphasizes the importance of teacher beliefs and their influence on student experiences. It also incorporates deliberative processes, focusing on rational argumentation to decide on the most suitable courses of action within the curriculum. Curriculum development under this framework aims to align institutional, curricular, and instructional goals while adapting to social changes and exploring new knowledge areas. Additionally, the Matatag curriculum encourages collaboration across disciplines and promotes faculty engagement for ongoing quality improvement, preparing students for contemporary medical practice. This comprehensive approach ensures a well-rounded and integrated educational experience for learners.
What are some specific examples or case studies that highlight the effectiveness of the MATATAG curriculum?5 answersThe abstracts provided do not mention any specific examples or case studies that highlight the effectiveness of the MATATAG curriculum.
Is matatag curriculum based on the k-12 program?5 answersThe matatag curriculum is not mentioned in any of the provided abstracts.

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