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What is the scarman report? 

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The Scarman report, commissioned by the UK government following the Brixton riots in April 1981, identified various complex factors contributing to violent protests, including failures in police community liaison, trust, training, and minority representation in the police force . Lord Scarman's report highlighted the need for reforms and improvements in response to the riots, distinguishing between long-term factors creating a potential for violence and short-term triggers . Despite being symbolically accepted, the report was largely ignored by the Thatcher government, which failed to address racial disadvantage systematically as proposed by Scarman . Scarman's report was pivotal in shaping media discourses on race and social policy interventions, with comparisons drawn to later inquiries like the Macpherson Report in 1999 . The Scarman report's significance lies in its examination of the societal issues underlying the Brixton riots and its recommendations for addressing them.

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Open accessJournal Article
18 Mar 1982-Socialist Register
6 Citations
The Scarman Report was commissioned in 1981 by William Whitelaw to investigate the disorder in Brixton, proposing reforms that faced resistance from the police due to perceived threats to their power.
The Scarman Report was a response to the 1981 Brixton riots, highlighting social and economic factors contributing to the unrest and proposing necessary reforms and improvements.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 1999
85 Citations
The Scarman Report is a significant document following the 1981 race riots, while the Macpherson Report addresses institutional racism post the Stephen Lawrence case in 1999.
Reference EntryDOI
30 Dec 2015
1 Citations
The Scarman Report was a UK government inquiry into the 1981 Brixton riots, identifying factors leading to violent protests and highlighting police failures in addressing racial disadvantage.

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