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What is the setting of A Debt To Dickens by Pearl S Buck? 

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"A Debt To Dickens" by Pearl S. Buck is set in various locations reflecting the author's diverse experiences and influences. Buck's novels often captured ordinary life in China, showcasing her deep connection to the country's culture and people . Additionally, Buck's missionary childhood and her time spent in different worlds influenced her writing style and themes, providing a rich backdrop for her works . Ted Hughes' argument about writers reworking early themes throughout their lives can be applied to Buck, suggesting a continuous exploration of certain motifs in her writing . Buck's multicultural background and experiences are reflected in her works, making her a historic mirror of different societies and traditions . These diverse influences contribute to the unique settings and themes found in "A Debt To Dickens" by Pearl S. Buck.

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Open accessBook
01 Jun 2010
13 Citations
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Open accessBook
26 Aug 1996
28 Citations
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