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What is the state-of-the-art for exoskeletons related to telerobotics? 

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Exoskeletons for telerobotics have shown promising advancements in recent research. Two force-sensitive upper-limb exoskeletons have been proposed, featuring torque-controlled robotic actuators, rigid-body model compensations, and lightweight designs achieved through the use of Bowden cable transmissions and remotely placed actuators . These exoskeletons have demonstrated human-device interaction control, bilateral teleoperation with force feedback, and contact wrench mitigation through simulation . Additionally, studies have focused on the design of hand exoskeletons, addressing control signals such as EMG, EEG, voice, and FSR, as well as control mechanisms utilizing pattern recognition and virtual reality . The actuator section of these exoskeletons has seen the use of DC motors and linear actuators, with a need for improvements in weight and ergonomic design . Overall, the state-of-the-art for exoskeletons related to telerobotics includes advancements in control, teleoperation, and actuator design, with a focus on improving user comfort and usability .

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