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What is visual perception? 

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Visual perception encompasses the process of receiving, organizing, identifying, and interpreting visual information to understand the environment. It involves both sensory functions, such as taking in visual stimuli, and specific mental functions, like organizing and interpreting these stimuli. Visual perception plays a crucial role in various fields, including industrial applications, education, and cognitive development. Different models and technologies, such as deep learning and YOLO network, have been developed to enhance visual perception, enabling faster and more accurate object detection. Enhancing visual perception can lead to improvements in skills like hand-eye coordination, spatial relationships, and cognitive abilities, ultimately impacting tasks such as reading, writing, and mathematical skills.

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Visual perception involves receiving and interpreting visual stimuli. It comprises receptive (sensory) and cognitive (mental) functions, essential for understanding what is seen, including attention, memory, discrimination, and imagery.
Visual perception is a crucial cognitive ability affecting skills like math and reading. Students with mild intellectual disabilities show below-average functioning in areas like coordination, figure perception, and spatial relations.
Visual perception is the process of sensing, organizing, identifying, and interpreting visual information. Computational models inspired by visual perception are complex and diverse, integrating various scientific disciplines for deep learning.
The provided paper does not explicitly define visual perception. The paper focuses on the use of YOLO network for object detection.
Visual perception refers to the process of organizing, identifying, and interpreting visual information in environmental awareness and understanding.

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