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Based on this, we propose a network management system based on a network flow optimization in order to define the minimal cost link allocation for the VPN tunnels.
The topology of ELA-VPN mitigates performance deterioration.
The results show that using E-VPN reformation achieves significant cost reduction and significant improvement in the network's performance by reducing the traffic-blocking ratio.
It allows each VPN to have guaranteed resources and customized control, and supports a highly dynamic VPN service where creation and modification operations can take place on fast timescales.
On the other hand, by concentrating all the VPN traffic over a single tree, the CLEC can minimize the cost of leased bandwidth while meeting minimum SLA targets.
Experiments show that the use of a VPN offers sufficient communication performance for our application example
The current management approach to VPN appears largely effective, especially if cyclophosphamide is used.
Despite the perception that a VPN is not a customizable solution, we conclude there is a broad range of VPN options available with corresponding trade-offs.
Our results show that ALTO is a powerful topology abstraction approach that enables informed VPN scale-out decisions by applications.

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