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What properties of a nonlinear dynamical system are encoded in trajectory length? 

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Trajectory length in nonlinear dynamical systems encodes crucial properties such as global stability, attractor dynamics, and topological characteristics of potential energy surfaces. Multistability, a global property observed in systems like spiking neural networks and chemical reaction networks, involves alternating between stable states. Trajectory formation through nonlinear differential equations allows robust movement policies resilient to perturbations and adaptable to external variables. Nonlinear systems exhibit unique features on potential energy surfaces, with additional extremal curvatures influencing system dynamics and vibration characteristics. Understanding trajectory structures in nonlinear equations reveals periodic behavior and stability properties of equilibrium points. Dynamic polysystems on Riemannian manifolds involve piecewise smooth trajectories, contributing to the system's behavior and control.

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Trajectory length encodes stability properties of nonlinear dynamical systems, allowing analysis of multistability without relying on specific equilibria, hyperbolicity, or Lyapunov function positive definiteness.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
29 Oct 2001
188 Citations
Trajectory length in nonlinear dynamical systems encodes movement imitation through well-defined attractor dynamics, robust control policies, and adaptability to external perturbations and perceptual variables.
The trajectory length in a nonlinear system encodes specific dynamic features determined by the topological characteristics of potential energy surfaces, influencing free and forced vibrations and nonlinear effects.
Trajectory length in nonlinear dynamical systems encodes topological properties, reflecting the dynamics of the system on connected n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds.
Trajectory length encodes periodicity of positive and negative semicycles in a fourth-order nonlinear difference equation, determining global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium point.

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