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What role does parental involvement and individualized attention play in the success of home-schooled students? 

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Parental involvement and individualized attention significantly impact the success of home-schooled students. Research indicates that parents' understanding of their child's learning needs, relationship with teachers, parenting style, and ability to seek out alternative learning opportunities are crucial factors in shaping the development of gifted learners . Additionally, parental involvement in assisting children with learning English at home positively influences their academic performance, especially when parents provide systematic and varied assistance . Studies also show that parental involvement both at home and in schools leads to increased academic achievement, although the level of involvement may decrease in secondary school . Moreover, the positive correlation between parental involvement and academic achievement is reinforced by the impact of socioeconomic status, where higher SES families can leverage their cultural capital to enhance their children's success, while lower SES families benefit from increased parental involvement to mitigate academic disadvantages .

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Parental involvement and individualized attention from home reading partners positively impact reading achievement and interest in students, as shown in the study on DEAR at-Home activities in a technical-vocational school.
Parental involvement, including individualized attention like reading at home, positively impacts academic achievement. It is crucial for homeschooling success, especially for children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Book Chapter•DOI
14 Jun 2022
Parental involvement and individualized attention are crucial for the success of home-schooled students, influencing their development, learning needs, relationship with teachers, and access to alternative learning opportunities.
Parental involvement and individualized attention significantly contribute to the success of home-schooled students learning English, as shown by the study emphasizing the importance of parents in their children's education.

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