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What specific features or aspects of Wattpad do Grade 11 students find most beneficial for coping with stress? 2019-2024? 

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Grade 11 students find online coping strategies on platforms like Wattpad beneficial for stress management. Research indicates that adolescents utilize online emotional support seeking, information seeking, and self-distraction as coping mechanisms on digital platforms like Wattpad . Additionally, adolescents are recommended to seek help from others and utilize digital solutions when facing stress in the online environment . Studies highlight the importance of incorporating technology in measuring adolescent coping strategies and the impact of online coping on emotional well-being, emphasizing the potential benefits of moderate online coping for adolescents' emotional functioning . These findings suggest that features on Wattpad, such as access to emotional support, information, and distraction, can be valuable tools for Grade 11 students in managing stress effectively from 2019 to 2024.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
A. Zmaga, I. Martyniuk 
30 Apr 2020
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