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What type of competitive advantage Netflix is currently pursuing? 

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Papers (9)Insight
The study finds Netflix has markedly affected the industries' value chain but with contrasting impacts for broadcasting and film.
We believe our approach has enabled Netflix to quickly adopt and benefit from containers.
Moreover, many countries are relatively advantaged by their Netflix availability patterns.
Our experimental results demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency on different problems, including the Netflix Prize data.
As such, it places Netflix within discourses of VOD, TVIII, branding, contemporary viewing practices and consumer practices in post-postmodern capitalism.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
13 Citations
Thus, this study fills this gap in the literature by examining EFL students’ views of Netflix, the leading provider of subscription VOD.
Overall, the results indicate a more favourably media brand perception of Netflix compared to Amazon Prime Video.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Jim Martin, Yunhui Fu, N. Wourms, T. Shaw 
01 Jan 2013
43 Citations
Our results suggest that Netflix adaptation defaults to underlying TCP mechanisms during periods of heavy, sustained network congestion.
This paper analyzes the promotional strategies of Netflix, arguing that the company reinforces what Pierre Bourdieu has called the discourses of distinction.

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