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What was the historical context in which the term "women's development" was first coined? 

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The term "women's development" emerged in the mid-20th century within the context of evolving theoretical frameworks in global economic processes. Initially, modernization approaches dominated, but these were critiqued by dependency theorists, leading to a shift towards women in development strategies by the 1970s . The 1975 World Conference on Women highlighted the interconnectedness of women's inequality with underdevelopment, challenging mainstream views on development as a Western construct and emphasizing a more holistic understanding of development . Subsequently, the evolution of gender planning in development processes gave rise to significant feminist frameworks like Women in Development (WID) and Gender and Development (GAD), focusing on socio-economic planning and gender roles within development initiatives . Over the last century, there has been a transition towards gender equality advocacy in development efforts, emphasizing the importance of local empowerment and bottom-up approaches in achieving gender equity outcomes .

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The term "women's development" emerged in the 19th century, following earlier feminist movements, to address gender roles neglected in development programs, leading to the evolution of gender planning frameworks.
The term "women's development" was first highlighted during the 1975 World Conference on Women, linking women's inequality to underdevelopment caused by unjust global economic systems.
The term "women in development" emerged in the 1970s as a shift from male-focused theories, replacing modernization and dependency approaches, within the context of gender and development frameworks.

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