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What works support confidence in using online learning? 

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Short just-in-time workshops have been identified as influential in fostering initial confidence and expertise in using online learning tools, ultimately reducing anxiety and enhancing well-being . Additionally, an online learning preparatory MOOC significantly increased students' levels of online learning self-efficacy and positively impacted their emotions towards online learning, shifting from anxiety to positivity . Moreover, the implementation of an Oral Questioning and Guiding in L1 (OQIGIL) method in English teaching led to increased confidence and appropriateness in students' English speaking abilities during online learning sessions . These findings collectively highlight the importance of targeted professional development, practical experience, and pedagogical interventions in building confidence and expertise in utilizing online learning platforms effectively.

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Soft confidence-weighted (SCW) learning and Confidence-Based Learning Ensembles (CobLE) are works that support confidence in using online learning by providing large margin training and ensemble classifiers based on confidence.
The design and delivery of a student co-designed MOOC influenced students' emotions and online learning self-efficacy, enhancing confidence in navigating technology, managing time, learning at a distance, and communicating online.
The OQIGIL method in online learning improved students' speaking confidence by engaging them in English materials directed in L1, resulting in increased English speaking scores and confidence levels.
Confidence in online learning is supported by a multiscale approach integrating evolutionary spatial basis functions, broad learning systems for temporal dynamics, and Gaussian process regression for model generalization errors.
Professional development, practical experience, and just-in-time workshops were found to enhance novice educator confidence in using online learning tools like Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Confidence Learning English has a big impact to academic performance?5 answersConfidence in learning English significantly influences academic performance. Studies show that self-confidence plays a crucial role in mastering language skills, especially in second language acquisition like English. Self-confidence is linked to improved academic achievements, as seen in the positive relationship between self-confidence and academic success. Additionally, research indicates that confidence levels can vary based on the subject domain and ability, with an increase in ability leading to increased confidence in certain areas like arithmetic. Moreover, longitudinal studies demonstrate that students' confidence trajectories can impact their academic performance, with higher initial confidence levels correlating with better grades but potentially experiencing steeper decreases after receiving final grades. Therefore, fostering confidence in English language learning can positively impact overall academic performance.
How does online learning affect?4 answersOnline learning has been found to have various effects. It has been shown to have a positive impact on academic motivation, achievement, and problem-solving-oriented learning outcomes. Additionally, online learning during the pandemic has been found to significantly contribute to learning achievement. However, there are also negative effects associated with online learning. Excessive screen time and extended use of electronic devices have been linked to negative psychological and physiological outcomes, including stress, depression, and physical ailments such as neck and back pain. Online learning can also impact student personality development, as it may limit social interactions and prevent direct relationships with peers. Furthermore, the learning independence of students has been identified as a predictor that can affect learning outcomes in online learning. Overall, online learning has both positive and negative effects on various aspects of education and student well-being.
How to work with confidence pedagogy?3 answersConfidence pedagogy can be implemented by focusing on students' strengths and intellectual potential, rather than their weaknesses. This approach helps to inspire learning and high intellectual performance among urban students. It is important for teachers to develop the habits, characteristics, and pedagogy that will enable them to do their best job possible. This includes using effective body language, managing student behavior, and providing feedback to develop confident students. Graduate student instructors can boost their confidence by understanding the underlying psychology of confidence and implementing strategies to overcome biases that result in low confidence. In the writing classroom, a pedagogy of confidence-building can be developed by using literacy narratives to highlight personal struggles and successes with reading and writing. This approach allows students to see the value of their own language use and connects their personal knowledge to academic standards.

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